Our NDIS Registration gives you peace of mind. We are registered to provide:
1. Therapeutic Supports
2. Early Childhood Services
3. Positive Behaviour Support Plans
Contact us to get the help you need.
To be eligible, you’ll need to meet some basic criteria relating to your age, Australian Residency status, and the nature of your disability. At the PAC Group, we can assist you in establishing if you (or someone you care about) are eligible for the NDIS through our assessments.
We’ve created The PAC Group NDIS Guide so you are fully prepared and know how we can support you through your NDIS Journey.
Your NDIS plan is all about you and your life goals. It’s based on the details you provide and outlines the different supports that will be funded by the NDIS.
The NDIS covers the cost of supports across a range of areas, including education, employment, living arrangements, and health and well-being. At the PAC Group, we offer therapy and assessment services funded by the NDIS. These services assist NDIS participants in reaching their goals.
1. Gather together any documents you already have that will support you in the process - This may include medical reports, allied health reports, and school reports.
2. Access the NDIS website to see if you are eligible: https://www.ndis.gov.au/applying-access-ndis/am-i-eligible
3. Get in Touch with us at The PAC Group to complete any assessments and/or to assist you in completing any application forms. We can assist in assessing autism, ADHD, learning disorders (such as dyslexia), and intellectual/cognitive, developmental, and mental health concerns.
4. Gather all final documents and assessments, and schedule an NDIS planning meeting with a Local Area Coordinator: https://www.ndis.gov.au/contact/locations/
5. Ask a friend or family member to go along for support to your planning meeting and take notes to remind you what was discussed
6. Get to know your plan, check if the details are correct, and talk to your Local Area Coordinator if you have concerns
7. Organise your NDIS finances by selecting a plan manager, or choosing to manage your finances yourself
8. Organise your supports - At The PAC Group, we work with NDIS participants to achieve their goals. We can provide support to assist you with daily living skills and overcoming some of the barriers to achieving your goals.
How The PAC Group continues to support NDIS Participants: We provide assessment, therapy, and training supports to assist participants to reach their NDIS goals. Coming soon:
Positive Behaviour Support.
1. Assessment
Requesting a Plan Review:
Not all plans work out the way a participant wants or needs. If this happens, you can request a plan review with the NDIS itself, and then through an external tribunal. We can assist you with assessments to clarify daily living skills, intellectual abilities, learning skills, and mental health concerns to support you in this process.
Progress Reports:
Progress reports are most often completed towards the end of your NDIS plan (usually renewed every 12 months). We often provide progress reports that include assessments, individual goals, therapy progress, and daily living skills. This information can go towards the process for NDIS funding needs in your next plan.
At times individuals are accessing NDIS funding without a formal diagnosis. This is common with younger children (under 7 years) but also occurs for teens and adults. We are able to assist with the confirmation of a diagnosis such as autism, ADHD, intellectual developmental disorder, and learning disorders. Our assessment processes use the NDIS functional domains (communication, self-care, self-management, mobility/motor skills, learning, and social interaction) to explain how a person is functioning on a daily basis.
2. Therapy
Early Childhood Early Intervention:
This funding is for children younger than 7 years old with a disability and/or a developmental delay, and their families. We provide therapy services to support daily living skills such as communication, self-care, learning, and social interactions. Our services are tailored to each child's individual needs. Get in Touch to discuss how we can help support you.
Therapeutic Supports:
Our skilled clinicians provide therapy and intervention services to support NDIS participants to achieve their goals and improve daily living skills. Therapists work collaboratively with you to improve independence in ways that are comfortable and meaningful for you.
3. Training
The PAC Group provides training to NDIS participants and their supports (e.g., family, careers, support workers, and teachers) in areas such as communication, self-care, intellectual abilities, social skills, and understanding a diagnosis. This is only completed with the support, understanding, involvement, and consent of the participant. This means that everyone understands the participant's goals, needs, strengths, challenges, and preferred ways of interacting.
4. Coming Soon: Positive Behaviour Support (Behaviour Support Plans)
We have passed the audit to provide Positive Behaviour Supports as Behaviour Support Practitioners! We are just waiting on the NDIS to finalise our registration, so watch this space! We will be providing this service in a neuro-diversity-affirming way, aligning with our values of Connection, Acceptance, and Growth.